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Crash: Book Three - Chat Connect Crash


Author: McCarthy

Bev and Max can't turn back now... or can they? The unforgettable adventure chronicled in Chat and Connect, the first two novels in Nan McCarthy's cyber series, continues in a third installment that's as fast-paced and addicting as ever. The year is 1997, and readers are once again invited to "eavesdrop" on Bev and Max's private correspondence. When their story began, the unlikely pair--two strangers who met online--had nothing to share but their words. Now, following the path set in motion by their increasingly intimate exchanges, they must contemplate the consequences of their deepening relationship. Filled with sexual tension, suspense, and humor, Bev and Max's messages arouse in them a desire to do and say things they'd never have dreamed of before their lives intersected. This newest edition of the trilogy features McCarthy's original ending to Crash as it was written in 1997. Its first time in print, the uncut conclusion offers readers an insider's glimpse of Bev and Max as they were meant to be seen--at their most human, vulnerable, and authentic. Heralded as "Chekhov for the '90s," with "fully drawn, believable characters," the story of Bev and Max's electric mingling--with its jaw-dropping conclusion--serves as a powerful reminder that life may be fleeting, but love is forever.
ISBN: 9781888354065
Publisher: Nancy McCarthy / Rainwater Press
Imprint: Rainwater Press
Published date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 128
Weight: 127g
Height: 190mm
Width: 120mm
Spine width: 8mm

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